Thursday, June 3, 2010

How To Make Money From Home | Combine Offline and online promotion

I have write about offline promotion, buy ads space on local news paper or local TV. Tell your friend and ask them, share freebie. You can do same way with online promotion.

You can use pay per click programm to start promotion, write article about your product and submit to article submission or blog. Answer some question on QA website that related to your product. Post video on free video sharing, write short ebook and upload to file share and many ways.

To make your customer (online or offline) trust, you need to setup landing page. Good landing page is the key to make sales. Make a really nice, clean, simple and informative landing page. No need to detail since we want they to buy our product, make them curious so they will buy since they curious.

Submit your product to clickbank, amazone or ebay. Let professional online marketers sale your product for free (you will only share your revenue when you got sale).
Join some social media like facebook, my space or twitter and add friend as fast as you can and start to post your product ads on it.

You can read this “Ultimate Facebook Monetizing Guide” on how to promote and make money from social media like facebook and download free bot to make your social media growth faster


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